Governance and Peacebuilding Framework for Africa 2022-2025


The overall goal of the Framework is to achieve transformative change characterized by peoplecentred, human rights based inclusive and participatory governance and peacebuilding systems and strengthened trust and social contract between state and citizens that will contribute to change Africa's narrative to one of promise, and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) and Agenda 2063.

The renewed framework will support implementation of the Regional Programme for Africa within the following Regional Programme priority areas:

Priority Area 1 - People: African citizens (especially women and youth), in a context of reinvigorated social contracts, have a stronger voice and influence in AU and RECs'/RMs' policymaking and implementation processes.

Priority Area 2 - Prosperity: African citizens (especially women and youth) benefit from a regionally integrated, structurally transformed, and inclusive economy

Priority Area 4 - Peace: African citizens (especially women and youth), supported by the AU and RECs/RMs, make measurable progress towards sustainable peace.

The Framework takes a regional approach, while providing tools for adaptive responses to governance and peacebuilding at the country level. The Framework takes a flexible, adaptable and fully integrated portfolio and systems approach to its implementation, leveraging opportunities, partnerships and capacities across the Regional Service Centre for Africa (RSCA) while harnessing advisory assets within RBA. Based on context analysis, review and evaluation of regional and national projects, including an extensive consultative process reaching 1,285 people through UNDP's Reimagining Governance and Peacebuilding, it focuses on the implementation of six key pillars through an integrated systems approach: prevention and early action; investing in Africa's youth; economic governance; democratic governance and civic participation; promoting the rule of law, justice and human rights; and, local governance and delivery of public services.

Source: UN Development Programme

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