LeddarTech Apresenta Soluções Inovadoras em ADAS e AD: O valor da fusão bruta para a percepção e os benefícios de uma plataforma flexível no desenvolvimento de sensores em dezembro

QUEBEC CITY, Nov. 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A LeddarTech®, líder global em tecnologia de detecção ADAS e AD mais flexível, potente e precisa, tem o prazer de anunciar sua participação como anfitriã e coapresentadora de vários eventos. Esses eventos irão apresentar as plataformas de tecnologia abrangentes da LeddarTech que viabilizam que os clientes possam resolver desafios essenciais de sensoriamento e percepção em toda a cadeia de valor do mercado automotivo, mobilidade e off-road. Dentre as soluções está incluída a plataforma de percepção e fusão de sensores LeddarVision™ para Tier 1s e OEMs, e a solução para desenvolvimento LiDAR XLRator rentável e escalonável com base na tecnologia LeddarEngine™ patenteada desenvolvida para os fabricantes de LiDAR e de Tier 1-2.

2 de dezembro de 2021: The Autonomous, uma organização global exclusiva para empresas de tecnologia associadas comprometidas em trabalhar em conjunto na formação do futuro da condução autônoma, hospeda a LeddarTech neste evento virtual exclusivo:

“Reimaginando a Autonomia: Uma Abordagem de Plataforma”

Um grupo de parceiros excepcionais se reunirá para avaliar o cenário ADAS e AD, os desafios, e as tecnologias emergentes que estão posicionadas para resolver esses desafios. Este evento contará com palestras, discussões em painel e uma sessão de mesa redonda de análise profunda.


  • Frantz Saintellemy, Presidente e COO da LeddarTech
  • Marco Angelici, Diretor da Unidade de Micro Atuadores MEMS da STMicroelectronics
  • Thomas Brandes, Gerente Sênior de Marketing de Lasers Visíveis e RI do ams OSRAM Group
  • Eric Hoarau, Dirigente de Parcerias Automotivas Estratégicas da Flex

Inscreva-se para ingressos limitados para este evento virtual aqui.

6 de dezembro de 2021All About Circuits, líder em mídia tecnológica, hospeda a LeddarTech e a Omni Design em um webinar global:

“Os LiDARs de Estado Sólido estão prontos para implantação em massa no mercado?”

A LeddarTech e a Omni Design estão colaborando para atender a esse requisito do mercado para permitir a produção em massa de produtos LiDAR de estado sólido que atendam aos rigorosos requisitos automotivos e forneçam desempenho excepcional, custo e consumo de energia significativamente menores, permitindo um fator de forma menor e um tempo de comercialização mais rápido.


  • Pierre Olivier, Diretor de Tecnologia da LeddarTech
  • Dr. Manar El-Chammas, Vice-Presidente de Engenharia da Omni Design Technologies

Pierre e Manar compartilharão a sinergia das soluções das duas empresas e falarão como elas trabalham em colaboração, sobre os benefícios sinérgicos para os fabricantes LiDAR e fornecedores Tier 1, e sobre o mapa para uma colaboração.

Inscreva-se para este evento virtual aqui.

9 de dezembro de 2021: A Reuters Events, uma divisão da organização internacional de notícias Reuters, sediará a LeddarTech neste evento global:

“Soluções de Fusão e Percepção de Sensores para Aplicações Críticas ADAS e AD”

Neste workshop prático exclusivo, a LeddarTech e seus convidados explicarão por que o software de percepção é um facilitador e acelerador crucial para ADAS e AD no Nível 1-5. Embora a percepção continue a ser um grande desafio para as montadoras com o avanço para os próximos níveis de autonomia, este workshop falará como o software de fusão e percepção de dados brutos pode acelerar esse avanço em mais de três anos.


  • Pierre Olivier, Diretor de Tecnologia da LeddarTech
  • Stav Yoffe, Gerente de Produto Sênior, Fusão de Sensor da LeddarTech

Inscreva-se para ingressos limitados para este evento virtual aqui.

Para uma lista completa dos próximos eventos presenciais e virtuais da LeddarTech, incluindo CES 2022, visite leddartech.com/events.

Sobre a LeddarTech
A LeddarTech fornece a tecnologia de detecção ADAS e AD mais flexível, potente e precisa para veículos autônomos e sistemas avançados de assistência ao motorista. Fundada em 2007, a LeddarTech evoluiu, tornando-se uma empresa abrangente de sensoriamento ambiental completo, permitindo que os clientes resolvam desafios essenciais de sensoriamento, fusão e percepção em toda a cadeia de valor. A empresa oferece soluções econômicas e escaláveis, como LeddarVision™, uma plataforma de fusão e percepção de sensores de dados brutos que gera um modelo ambiental 3D abrangente com suporte a múltiplos sensores para configurações de câmera, radar e LiDAR. É escalável para dar suporte a todos os níveis de automação do veículo. Além disso, a LeddarTech dá suporte aos fabricantes LiDAR e integradores de sistemas automotivos de Nível 1-2 com o LeddarSteer™, um dispositivo de direção de feixe digital, e a solução de desenvolvimento LiDAR XLRator para desenvolvimento LiDAR de estado sólido de grau automotivo com base na LeddarEngine™, e componentes principais de parceiros globais de semicondutores. A empresa é responsável por muitas inovações de aplicações com sensor remoto automotivos e de mobilidade avançadas, com mais de 100 tecnologias ADAS aprimoradas patenteadas (concedidas ou pendentes), e capacidade de condução autônoma.

Para mais informação sobre a LeddarTech, visite www.leddartech.com, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook e YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice-Presidente, Gestão Global de Marketing, Comunicações e Produtos, LeddarTech Inc.
Tel.: + 1-418-653-9000 ramal 232

Os logotipos Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarSteer, LeddarEngine, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, LeddarCore, VAYADrive, VayaVision, XLRator e afins são marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas da LeddarTech Inc. e suas subsidiárias. Todas as outras marcas e nomes de produtos são ou podem ser marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas usadas para identificar produtos ou serviços de seus respectivos proprietários.


New Orleans, LA /New York, NY, Nov. 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — New Orleans, LA/ New York, NY –Trahan Architects, a global architecture firm with studios in New Orleans and New York City, announced today that its founder and CEO, Victor F. “Trey” Trahan, III, FAIA, has been selected as the 2021 Laureate for The American Prize for Architecture by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies.

The Chicago Athenaeum additionally recognized two Trahan Architects projects for American Architecture Awards—the Ochsner Center for Innovation and the New England Mixed-Use Development.

“Kindness and compassion are exactly what best exemplify the works of Victor F. “Trey” Trahan, III, FAIA,” stated Christian Narkiewicz-Laine, architecture critic and museum president/CEO of The Chicago Athenaeum. “Over the past three decades, Trahan’s buildings have demonstrated a combination of those qualities of talent, vision and commitment that have produced consistent and significant contributions to humanity and to the built environment through the art of architecture. They have had the unique capacity to convey seemingly conflicting characteristics—power and modesty, boldness and subtlety, public authority and bravado, and at the same time, a sense of humble intimacy.”

Narkiewicz-Laine continued, “The work is powerfully honest and authentic—sublime masterpieces of sincerity, erudition, steeped in a thorough knowledge of the discipline of architecture, and aspirations of profound cultural awareness. His built work gives opportunity and equality to the less privileged, mitigates the effects of natural disasters, reduces energy consumption, follows a resolute humanitarian agenda with the highest criteria and social objectives, and provides spaces that, at their best, welcome the public at large. Innovative and inspiring, he shows how architecture can and should improve people’s lives and impact our otherwise ordinary existence—lifting us far and beyond the hectic and chaotic nature of our time, place and cities. In this decade, this is an architect that deserves even greater professional and public accolade.”

The Award, organized jointly by two public institutions, The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies, honors American architects, as well as other global architects practicing on multiple continents, whose body of architectural work, over time, exemplifies superior design and humanist ideals. The American Prize for Architecture pays tribute to the spirit of the founder of modernism, Louis Sullivan, and the subsequent generations of Chicago practitioners such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Daniel H. Burnham and Holabird & Root. It also broadcasts globally the significant contributions of America’s rich and inspiring architecture practice and its living legacy to the world at large.

“To be selected as the 2021 Laureate for the American Prize for Architecture by the Chicago Athenaeum’s International Advisory Committee and for two of our projects to be awarded The American Prize for Architecture is an honor,” said Trahan. “These awards exemplify our ethos and commitment to rootedness, artistry, materiality and our responsibility to designing for spatial equity.”

Previous Laureates include Sir Norman Foster, Michael Graves, the General Services Administration, Richard Meier, Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture, Form4Architecture, James von Klemperer of Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PC., and Bernardo Fort-Brescia and Laurinda Spear of Miami-based firm Arquitectonica. Last year, the Prize was given to Eric Owen Moss.

“Trahan epitomizes the revival of a more poetically and intellectually engaged architect who advocates for the role of the architect as being challenged to serve greater social, cultural and humanitarian needs and concerns of our civilization and society,” said Narkiewicz-Laine. “Each of Trahan’s buildings shows a precise understanding of how people will use the facility, the thoughtful and appropriate use of materials and a commitment to creating public spaces to benefit the larger community. By his professional example, he has so meaningfully expanded the role of the architect. Few in this profession, particularly today, have risen to the demands of practicing architecture as an artful endeavor. This is an architect who wholeheartedly believes in the poetic simplicity of materials and place-making, never leaving an architect’s heavy-handed fingerprint on the design concept, intent or outcome. For the inspiration he provides, through his complex, intellectual example and his rich contributions to architecture and humanity past and future, Trey Trahan is the recipient of the 2021 American Prize for Architecture.”

Trahan Architects was founded by Trahan on the belief that the mindful design of everyday spaces can elevate the human experience. It is a multi-disciplinary firm ranked the number one design firm by Architect 50, the annual ranking by Architect Magazine, the official publication of American Institute of Architects, which topped the list by building “dramatic, sumptuous and well-detailed projects.” Trahan Architects has received over a hundred national, regional and local awards, as well as several international design competitions, including five National AIA Awards.


Julia LeBlanc
Trahan Architects

Huawei construit une vitrine iSuperSite en collaboration avec China Mobile Zhejiang et le China Mobile Design Institute

SHENZHEN, Chine, 17 novembre 2021 /PRNewswire/ — La vitrine iSuperSite de Huawei, une coentreprise avec China Mobile Zhejiang et le China Mobile Design Institute à Hangzhou, a récemment été agréée.

Le site a été mis à niveau avec la solution iSuperSite de Huawei depuis août de cette année. Les six cabines d’origine ont été remplacées par une seule, minimisant ainsi la consommation électrique du réseau. Le site a ensuite été sélectionné comme site de démonstration écologique et économe en énergie par China Mobile Zhejiang dans le cadre de sa campagne de réduction des émissions de carbone. Le site modernisé permet non seulement de réduire de moitié les frais d’électricité et de 75 % les coûts d’exploitation et de maintenance, mais aussi de diminuer les émissions de carbone de huit tonnes par an.

Économies de 50 % et plus

Avant la reconstruction, le site comptait six cabines et six systèmes de refroidissement distincts avec des espaces d’installation et des systèmes d’alimentation individuels. Toutefois, cela s’est traduit par un encombrement important, une faible efficacité du système d’alimentation et une consommation d’énergie importante.

Après la mise en œuvre de la solution Huawei iSuperSite, les alimentations, les appareils et les batteries des six armoires existantes ont été intégrés dans une seule. 80 % de l’espace au sol est ainsi récupéré, ce qui permet l’installation d’un système de production d’électricité Huawei iPV pour fournir de l’énergie solaire. Par rapport au système de production d’énergie photovoltaïque traditionnel, l’iPV de Huawei affiche un rendement énergétique supérieur de 20 % et des économies d’électricité de 2 000 dollars par an, ce qui équivaut à une réduction des émissions de carbone de 8 tonnes. Avant la mise à niveau, les frais annuels d’électricité du site s’élevaient à environ 3 500 USD.

Comparison before and after the "1 for 6" reconstruction

Le site modernisé fait écho à la campagne pour le pic de carbone et la neutralité carbone lancée par China Mobile le 15 juillet de cette année en termes d’économie d’énergie, de réduction de la consommation et de réduction des émissions de carbone. En ce qui concerne la campagne, China Mobile a résumé ses objectifs de développement futur en termes d’économie d’énergie, d’énergie propre et d’habilitation, et a défini les six voies suivantes : construire un réseau vert, promouvoir l’énergie verte, construire une chaîne d’approvisionnement verte, promouvoir les bureaux verts, renforcer l’habilitation verte et créer une culture verte.

Une batterie au lithium pour deux rôles

Pour garantir que la transmission du réseau n’est pas interrompue en cas d’incidents tels que la foudre ou les coupures de courant, une station de base de communication a besoin de chaînes de batteries de secours de différentes tailles.

Le Huawei iSuperSite remplace les batteries au plomb par des batteries intelligentes au lithium CloudLi, doublant ainsi la densité de puissance et transformant l’unité d’alimentation de secours traditionnelle en un système de stockage d’énergie intelligent. Plus important encore, la fonction d’auto-étalement intelligente de l’IA peut stocker de l’énergie pendant les périodes creuses et en décharger pendant les heures de pointe. Les économies d’électricité réalisées sur une année peuvent dépasser 1,5 milliard de dollars si tous les sites de communication de Hangzhou utilisent cette fonction (calculée sur la base du prix de l’électricité résidentielle présentant la plus petite différence entre les périodes de pointe et les périodes creuses).

En outre, Huawei réalise de manière innovante une gestion intelligente de l’énergie grâce à quatre fonctions : comptage intelligent, découpage de l’énergie de secours, définition du logiciel et audit de l’énergie, afin d’améliorer l’efficacité de la gestion, d’accélérer la réalisation des objectifs de réduction des émissions de carbone et de réduire les coûts de maintenance.

Le système d’alimentation intelligent prend également en charge l’O&M intelligente et à distance, ce qui permet de réduire les coûts d’O&M de 75 %, de déployer la 5G sans augmenter les OPEX et d’aider les opérateurs à s’engager dans une voie de développement durable impliquant des économies d’énergie, une réduction de la consommation et une réduction du carbone.

La convergence de la 5G, du cloud computing, de l’edge computing et des technologies d’IA dans le contexte de la « nouvelle infrastructure » a présenté un éventail diversifié de possibilités de transformation numérique. L’énergie, en tant que pierre angulaire d’une société numérique, donnera un élan au développement de l’économie numérique. Dans le cadre des objectifs nationaux de la Chine, qui consistent à atteindre un pic de carbone d’ici 2030 et à parvenir à la neutralité carbone d’ici 2060, diverses industries sont sur le point de subir une vaste et profonde transformation systématique. La conservation de l’énergie, la réduction de la consommation et la réduction des émissions de carbone sont essentielles pour assurer le développement durable de l’industrie des communications.

La solution Huawei iSuperSite intègre des technologies numériques, d’électronique de puissance et de TIC, ce qui aide les opérateurs à moderniser et à reconstruire les sites existants tout en économisant de l’énergie et de l’espace. Cette solution répond non seulement aux exigences de la couverture rapide des réseaux de communication à l’ère de la 5G, mais elle minimise également la consommation d’énergie, ce qui permet aux transporteurs d’atteindre leurs objectifs en matière d’émissions de carbone et de construire ensemble un avenir vert.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1688140/image.jpg

Delhi’s Air Pollution Crisis Prompts Shutdown of Thermal Plants, Schools, Colleges

With the Indian capital enveloped in a haze of toxic smog, authorities ordered six thermal plants in the city’s vicinity to shut temporarily, closed schools and colleges indefinitely and imposed work-from-home restrictions to control pollution levels that turned severe on several days this month.

A panel of the federal environment ministry has also banned construction activity until the end of the week and barred trucks, except those carrying essential commodities, from entering the city as part of the series of emergency measures.

Environmentalists pointed out that these steps would only marginally mitigate the air pollution crisis that grips New Delhi every winter.

“The emergency action is not a magic bullet that will address the pollution crisis,” said Anumita Rowchowdhury, executive director research and advocacy at New Delhi’s Center for Science and Environment. “It only ensures that it will not worsen the pollution but it will not clean the air.”

The world’s most polluted capital city has recorded levels for dangerous particles known as PM 2.5 that settle deep inside lungs many times higher than the standards set by the World Health Organization.

The haze that covers the city is a mix of fumes, including vehicular emissions, industrial pollution, construction dust, farm fires and fumes caused by the burning of waste in the open. In winter, the pollutants hang over the city due to low wind speeds.

City authorities in Delhi have told the Supreme Court they are considering a weekend lockdown, similar to what was implemented during the pandemic. If so, it would be the first of a kind “pollution” lockdown.

With the Indian capital enveloped in a haze of toxic smog, authorities ordered six thermal plants in the city’s vicinity to shut temporarily, closed schools and colleges indefinitely and imposed work-from-home restrictions to control pollution levels that turned severe on several days this month.

A panel of the federal environment ministry has also banned construction activity until the end of the week and barred trucks, except those carrying essential commodities, from entering the city as part of the series of emergency measures.

Environmentalists pointed out that these steps would only marginally mitigate the air pollution crisis that grips New Delhi every winter.

“The emergency action is not a magic bullet that will address the pollution crisis,” said Anumita Rowchowdhury, executive director research and advocacy at New Delhi’s Center for Science and Environment. “It only ensures that it will not worsen the pollution but it will not clean the air.”

The world’s most polluted capital city has recorded levels for dangerous particles known as PM 2.5 that settle deep inside lungs many times higher than the standards set by the World Health Organization.

The haze that covers the city is a mix of fumes, including vehicular emissions, industrial pollution, construction dust, farm fires and fumes caused by the burning of waste in the open. In winter, the pollutants hang over the city due to low wind speeds.

City authorities in Delhi have told the Supreme Court they are considering a weekend lockdown, similar to what was implemented during the pandemic. If so, it would be the first of a kind “pollution” lockdown.

India and China were blamed for watering down a commitment to phasing out coal at the summit.

But in India, environmentalists said the country’s concerns were genuine. “The dilemma that India faces is, how quickly can it make the transition from coal?” said Chandra Bhushan, who heads the Delhi-based International Forum for Environment. “While coal does contribute to air pollution and climate change, we cannot shut down coal right away and replace it with renewables in a hurry. This is going to be a process.”

Meanwhile, the severe air pollution has led to a public health emergency with many residents in Delhi and other North Indian cities struggling with respiratory problems and doctors warning it is a serious health hazard.

The dirty air kills more than a million people every year in India according to a report by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, a U.S. research group.

Source: Voice of America

US Reportedly Negotiating Deal with Pfizer to Purchase 10 Million Doses of Experimental COVID-19 Pill

News outlets say the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden is planning to spend $5 billion to purchase Pfizer’s new experimental antiviral pill designed to treat COVID-19, enough to cover 10 million courses of treatment.

The revelation comes a day after the U.S. drugmaker announced it had signed a deal with Geneva-based Medicines Patent Pool, a United Nations-backed public health group, to authorize generic drugmakers to produce its experimental COVID-19 pill for 95 countries.

The deal will make the pill available for low- and middle-income countries comprising about 53% of the world’s population.

Pfizer says its new pill, called Paxlovid, reduces the risks of hospitalization and death by nearly 90% in people with mild to moderate coronavirus cases. Independent experts recommended ending Pfizer’s study because of its encouraging results.

Tuesday’s agreement between Pfizer and the Medicines Patent Pool coincided with Pfizer’s application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to authorize use of the drug on an emergency basis.

“It’s quite significant that we will be able to provide access to a drug that appears to be effective and has just been developed, to more than 4 billion people,” said the Medicines Patent Pool’s Esteban Burrone.

Yuanqiong Hu, a senior legal policy adviser at Doctors Without Borders, said the organization is disappointed the agreement does not make the pill available to all countries.

“The world knows by now that access to COVID-19 medical tools needs to be guaranteed for everyone, everywhere, if we really want to control this pandemic,” she said.

Pfizer will not receive payments on sales in low-income countries, where fewer than 1% of its COVID-19 vaccine doses have been provided. It also will waive royalties on sales in all countries covered by the deal while COVID-19 remains a public health emergency.

The Medicines Patent Pool announced in October that another U.S. drugmaker, Merck, agreed to allow other companies to make its COVID-19 pill available in 105 poorer countries.

Merck says its antiviral pill reduces the risk of severe illness from COVID-19 by half when administered soon after the appearance of the first symptoms.

The Biden administration has pledged to spend about $2.2 billion to purchase about 3.1 million doses of Merck’s pill once it has been approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration. An FDA advisory panel will meet on November 30 to discuss Merck’s COVID-19 pill. British drug regulators granted authorization for Merck’s pill earlier this month.

Despite decisions by Pfizer and Merck to share their COVID-19 drug patents, Pfizer and other vaccine-makers have refused to release their vaccine formulas for broader production.

Source: Voice of America