Three African Women to Receive Courage Awards

Roegchanda Pascoe braved death threats while trying to ease the gang violence plaguing the Cape Flats community just outside Cape Town, South Africa. Facia Boyenoh Harris faced harassment while advocating for women’s rights and protections against sexual violence in Liberia. Najla Mangoush a year ago accepted the role of foreign minister in the U.N.-backed transitional government of Libya, a country deeply divided by a decade of civil war.

These three Africans are among a dozen women being honored by the U.S. State Department with its 2022 International Women of Courage Awards for demonstrating “exceptional courage, strength and leadership in advocating for peace, justice, human rights, gender equity and equality … often at great personal risk and sacrifice,” according to a press statement.

They will be recognized Monday at a ceremony that, because of the pandemic, will bring them together virtually instead of in person in Washington. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will preside, with remarks by first lady Jill Biden.

Roegchanda Pascoe

Pascoe, 47, is a crime prevention activist working in the Cape Flats, a poor community outside Cape Town where mixed-race people were forcibly resettled in the 1960s under South Africa’s apartheid system.

Gangs have had a decadeslong hold there, trafficking in drugs, guns, prostitution and more. Violence has been “so normalized,” Pascoe told VOA.

But in 2013, after a boy was caught in gang crossfire and killed while playing outside, she co-founded the volunteer Manenberg Safety Forum. Named for the township in which it’s based, the forum raises awareness about the criminal justice system, trains community advocates, and provides counseling and other support for victims of violence, especially women and children. Pascoe draws an honorarium through a grant from the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime.

The forum also has mediated between gangs, aiming to peacefully resolve disputes.

On July 20, 2016, Pascoe and several other Manenberg residents witnessed an alleged gang attack on a man who died later that day. Pascoe was the only witness willing to testify at the 2019 murder trial, helping to convict the gang’s leader and two others.

The day before her scheduled testimony, unknown assailants shot at her house. Pascoe had been moved to a safe house earlier that day, but her young children were still at home. They have since joined her in hiding, fearing gang retaliation.

“I cannot be silent when injustice is happening to any human being,” she told VOA of her decision to testify. But “the effect of gang violence has been dire for me. … I’ll never be able to move back to the community.”

Yet Pascoe has persevered. Through the forum, she continues to mediate community conflict and support victimized women and families. She set up a crime prevention and intervention program for at-risk youths. She has organized a “walking bus” system for schoolchildren to be escorted by adults – often mothers who had been jobless. They get paid, “skilled up and trained how to do emergency first aid,” Pascoe said.

“She has amazing strategies to develop her community,” Oscar Nceba Siwali said of Pascoe in an email to VOA. He directs the Southern African Development and Reconstruction Agency, which promotes nonviolence in some of the country’s toughest communities. “In workshops to help engage NGOs to work together, she has been most helpful – points forward while acknowledging [the] past.”

Pascoe hopes her selection for a Courage Award will help others realize that, no matter how disadvantaged, they can make valuable contributions.

“It will mean a lot for our young women leaders,” she said.

Facia Boyenoh Harris

In 2005, Harris was in her first year at African Methodist Episcopal University in Liberia’s capital, Monrovia, when she and some classmates started the Paramount Young Women Initiative. They raised money for scholarships to help other students struggling with financial need, family burdens, academic difficulties and more.

They added workshops. “We talked about family life, socioeconomic issues and the inspiration that we needed” as Liberia began recovering from civil war, said Harris, now 39. “We had a safe space to come together.”

Today, the nonprofit initiative continues to provide that safe space support for adolescent girls and young women, promoting education, mentoring and leadership.

It’s just one activist outlet for Harris, a former journalist whose paid job is to direct outreach for Liberia’s Independent Information Commission. It’s charged with enforcing the country’s Freedom of Information Act.

Harris co-founded the Liberian Feminist Forum and, as a community organizer, has campaigned for broader political participation and better sanitation. She fights gender-based violence, including rape and female genital mutilation.

In Liberia, “we’re dealing with a very strong patriarchal system that continually marginalizes women,” Harris said.

Liberia’s president declared rape a national emergency in 2020, and the government recently launched a hotline to report sexual and gender-based violence. But Gender Minister Williametta E. Saydee-Tarr, addressing the nation’s Senate Thursday [March 10], complained of low rates of reporting and slow criminal prosecution.

“There are lots of challenges with the system,” Harris said. Police sometimes say they lack the capacity to investigate or make arrests, or a victim or relatives may not want to press charges. Cases can get snagged in the criminal justice system.

People need “timely access to justice,” Harris said.

She’s also advocating for equal representation in public office. Though Liberia was the first African country to elect a female head of state - Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, president from 2006 to 2018 – women remain underrepresented in national elective office. Harris noted that in Liberia’s Legislature, women hold just 11 of 103 seats in the lower chamber and two of 30 seats in the Senate.

“Women do not have the same access to money” for filing fees and campaigns, said Harris, suggesting campaign finance measures.

Harris said the Courage Award honors “the women of Liberia who have continuously worked hard to ensure that injustices come to an end” while advancing the country’s development. It represents a personal challenge, too: “I have a greater responsibility to do more … to leave a better Liberia for the generations after us.”

Najla Mangoush of Libya

Mangoush was appointed March 15, 2021, as Libya’s foreign minister – the first female to hold that position in the North African country of 7 million.

A lawyer and human rights advocate, she also is a doctoral candidate at George Mason University’s School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, just outside of Washington. Mangoush – who holds a master’s degree in conflict transformation from Eastern Mennonite University, also in Virginia – set aside her dissertation to take the Cabinet position.

“She wanted to serve her country,” said Susan F. Hirsch, a GMU professor of conflict resolution and anthropology supervising Mangoush’s research. “… She’s someone who is very diplomatic. She’s a born peacemaker.”

Peacemaking skills get put to the test in Libya, an oil-rich country mired in conflict since longtime ruler Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown and killed in 2011. Mangoush is part of the Government of National Unity, a U.N.-based administration installed in Tripoli in early 2021 as a transition to an elected government. But presidential and parliamentary elections set for December were delayed and have not yet been rescheduled.

A new government appointed by Libya’s parliament March 1 has challenged the unity government’s mandate, putting Mangoush’s Cabinet post at risk.

During the 2011 revolution, Mangoush worked with civil society organizations as head of the National Transitional Council’s public engagement unit. She also has represented Libya at the U.S. Institute of Peace. Now she’s grappling with issues such as illegal migration and the presence of unwanted foreign military troops.

“To enter into the fray of Libyan politics and Libyan civil war and take a stand is a pretty courageous thing,” said Marc Gopin, who directs GMU’s Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution, where Mangoush once served as program director for peacebuilding and traditional law.

An additional award

Beyond Monday’s virtual awards ceremony, honorees will take part in a virtual leadership program “to connect with their American counterparts and strengthen the global network of women leaders,” the State Department said in its press release. More than 170 women from more than 80 countries have been recognized for their work since 2007.

To support their work, each honoree also receives a $5,000 stipend from American Women for International Understanding. The nonprofit group and its roughly 125 members promote “women-to-women interactions” through exchange visits, study programs and events.

The group’s stipends allow recipients to do more of their essential work, said Julienne Lusenge, a 2021 Courage Award winner and human rights activist in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She told VOA that, with her $5,000, “I built bathrooms for the children” at a school in Mbau village.

AWIU plans a May 24 dinner in Los Angeles to celebrate this year’s honorees. There, in recognition of its 15-year collaboration with the awards program, the group will receive its own prize: the State Department’s Gender Champion Award.

Source: Voice of America

Pan African Forum advocates for removal of sanctions on Zimbabwe

The Chairman of Pan African Forum Dr David Matsanga has called on the international community to lift sanctions against Zimbabwe stating the restrictions are hurting the southern African Nation.

Matsanga termed the sanctions as illegal and assured Zimbabwe of his continued advocacy to ensure that the restrictions are lifted.

“The illicit perpetual sanctions against Zimbabwe has become hallmark of the West’s injudicious mobocracy and sanctimony that has excruciatingly pummeled the lives of Zimbabweans from flesh to bone.

“These senseless sanctions have caused anguish, abject poverty, despair and an economic meltdown that can only border crimes against humanity. Africa should not leave Zimbabwe in the lurch, we must call for the removal of these sanctions” he said.

The international conflict resolution expert said the sanctions are exacerbating corruption in Zimbabwe as banks, companies and individuals banned from trading abroad simply bribe others to conduct their business for them.

“I call on all countries which imposed sanctions as well as banks and companies of third states as well as countries where these banks are registered, to behave in accordance with the rule of law, due diligence, principal, lift sanctions, make legislation which corresponds with international law and principals of human rights protection. And the last point is that all the discrepancies which exist between all parties, between states, between the government and some sort of opposition leaders and any other institutions shall be settled on the basis of structural dialogue,” Matsanga added.

Zimbabwe’s former President Robert Mugabe passed away more than two years ago. The new government thinks it’s high time the human rights sanctions imposed decades ago, during his regime, are removed.

In September 2019, the ministry of foreign affairs and international trade hired the London-based subsidiary of US lobbying firm Mercury Public Affairs to lobby for a fresh start under President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The European Union imposed travel and financial sanction on allies of then-Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe in 2002, in response to alleged election rigging and human rights abuses by his party and government. The U.S. followed suit with sanctions in 2003.

President Mnangagwa’s government says the sanctions must be lifted, arguing they are derailing the country’s efforts to climb out of a long economic slump.

In October last year in separate statements, the United States, Britain, and the European Union said Zimbabwe’s economy was suffering not because of sanctions, but because of corruption and government mismanagement of the country’s resources.

Source: Nam News Network

Japan Provides USD 19.9 Million to Support IOM Operations in 2022

The Government of Japan has allocated USD 19.9 million to support the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) humanitarian operations in 2022. With this funding, IOM will implement projects to help vulnerable migrants, including displaced persons, refugees, returnees and communities affected by COVID-19, conflicts and crises worldwide.

Projects implemented by IOM through this funding are committed to an array of key migration-related issues. As the world grapples with multiple conflicts, natural disasters and COVID-19, humanitarian assistance for migrants and communities to support safe and orderly migration is urgently required.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, where more than 60 per cent of the funding is to be utilized, IOM is implementing emergency responses to natural disasters, displacement, and the pandemic.

In Asia, emergency assistance and enhancement of public health will be the main focus of IOM projects responding to COVID-19.

In the Middle East and North Africa, Japan-funded projects are expected to meet increasing demand for assistance for vulnerable populations, including internally displaced persons (IDPs).

“IOM is very grateful for the Government of Japan’s generous, longstanding support that will ensure the continuation of much-needed programmes and initiatives that will help mitigate ongoing global migration and other challenges,” said IOM Director General, António Vitorino.

“With this funding, IOM will continue to provide essential life-saving assistance to those who need it the most.”

IOM’s Japan-funded programmes include improving the capacities of the governments for integrated border management and building governments’ health response capacity, especially at points of entry and in border areas. With COVID-19 still prevalent in many parts of the world, especially in conflict-affected regions, displaced populations are increasingly at risk. Japan’s generous contribution will allow IOM to mitigate such negative impacts and help kickstart rebuilding efforts.?

Source: International Organization for Migration

Russia-Ukraine conflict: Three African Presidents have spoken to Putin

PRETORIA— Three African presidents have spoken with their Russian counterpart since the Ukrainian invasion by Russia started on Feb 24.

The latest is South African president Cyril Ramaphosa, who posted details of his telephone call with Putin on his Twitter handle on Thursday.

“Thanking His Excellency President Vladimir Putin for taking my call today, so I could gain an understanding of the situation that was unfolding between Russia and Ukraine.

“I outlined our position on the conflict that has unfolded as well as our belief that the conflict should be resolved through mediation and negotiation between the parties and – if need be – with the help of agencies that can help bring a solution to the conflict.

“President Putin appreciated our balanced approach. We believe this position enables both parties to subject the conflict to mediation & negotiation. Based on our relations with the Russian Federation & as member of BRICS, South Africa has been approached to play a mediation role,” his series of tweets read.

Before Ramaphosa, Egypt’s Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi spoke with Putin on bilateral issues and on developments in Ukraine.

The third African leader to have spoken to Putin is Senegal’s Macky Sall, who is also current Chairperson of the African Union, AU.

“I welcome my meeting this morning with President Putin in my capacity as Chairman of the African Union to seek a lasting ceasefire in Ukraine.

“I salute his attentiveness and his willingness to maintain dialogue for a negotiated outcome to the conflict,” Macky Sall tweeted on March 9.


UN Weekly Roundup: March 5-11, 2022

UN appeals for safe corridors in Ukraine for civilians, humanitarians

The United Nations humanitarian chief appealed Monday for safe passage for civilians fleeing Ukraine and for humanitarians delivering urgent assistance to the country, as humanitarian needs continued to rapidly grow.

UN: Safe Corridors Needed for Civilians, Humanitarians in Ukraine

80,000 Ukrainian women due to give birth in next 3 months

As health care facilities in Ukraine are increasingly being targeted by Russia, the U.N. Population Fund said Thursday that about 80,000 women are due to give birth in the coming three months and must be protected.

Pregnant Women in Russia’s Crosshairs as Health Care Comes Under Attack in Ukraine

Human rights deteriorate in Northern Ethiopia as Tigray conflict spreads

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said Tuesday that her office has documented killings and injuries of hundreds of civilians in northern Ethiopia due to airstrikes by the Ethiopian government. At the same time, she said the Tigrayan forces and other armed groups have carried out devastating attacks in Afar and Amhara, resulting in scores of deaths and hundreds of injuries.

UN: Human Rights and Security Deteriorate in Northern Ethiopia as Tigray Conflict Spreads

Syrian Civil War enters 12th year

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Friday that courage must be shown to reach a political settlement in Syria's civil war. "We cannot fail the Syrian people. The conflict must cease," he said in a statement marking 11 years of unrest.

UN Chief Appeals for Courage to End Syrian War

In brief

— Ukrainians and third-country nationals have been pouring out of Ukraine this week as Russia steps up its air and land war. In just two weeks, more than 2.5 million people — mostly women, children and elderly — have sought safety in Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia, Romania and other European countries. A small number have also gone to Russia and its ally Belarus. Nearly 2 million more are displaced inside Ukraine. The U.N. has warned that the number of displaced inside and outside the country could rise to 10 million if the war does not stop.

— The United Nations confirmed this week that Ukraine is withdrawing all of its 308 peacekeepers from six U.N. missions to return them home. The most significant presence is the 250 military personnel and eight helicopters in MONUSCO in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said the U.N. is looking at the impact of their departure and will be speaking to other countries about replacing them. Another 58 Ukrainian peacekeepers are spread among missions in in South Sudan, Mali, Cyprus, Abyei and Kosovo.

— A report from the U.N. human rights office has found that hostilities and civilian casualties in Afghanistan have sharply decreased since the Taliban took power in August. However, it also says the human rights situation for many Afghans has worsened, and 20 million people are suffering from acute hunger.

Quote of note

"All these women who are giving birth in makeshift shelters, in subway stations, in the basements of buildings — oftentimes without skilled attendants — all of these women are also casualties of war."

— Jaime Nadal, the U.N. Population Fund's representative in Ukraine, in a briefing call with reporters Thursday.

What we are watching next week

Yemen enters its seventh year of conflict this month and the resulting humanitarian crisis has left nearly 21 million people in dire need of assistance. In recent weeks, the World Food Program has had to cut rations due to funding shortfalls. The United Nations will co-host a pledging conference on March 16 with Sweden and Switzerland in hopes of raising sufficient funds to avoid the situation from slipping into famine this year.

Source: Voice of America