Rakshit Choudhary : de directeur des opérations à co-PDG de Deriv

  • Rakshit Choudhary, promu co-PDG, collaborera avec le fondateur et PDG Jean-Yves Sireau
  • Deriv donne un coup de neuf à son modèle de leadership à l’approche de la célébration de son 25e anniversaire
Rakshit Choudhary : de directeur des opérations à co-PDG de Deriv

Rakshit Choudhary, co-CEO of Deriv

Rakshit Choudhary, co-PDG de Deriv

CYBERJAYA, Malaysia, 26 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — À l’approche de son 25e anniversaire, qui est un moment marquant pour cette entreprise de trading en ligne, Deriv a annoncé la promotion de Rakshit Choudhary du poste de directeur des opérations (COO) à celui de co-Président-directeur général (co-PDG). Ce modèle de co-leadership permettra de tirer parti des différentes forces et des diverses approches des deux dirigeants.

Le choix d’un tel modèle n’a pas uniquement une visée stratégique pour Deriv. Il permet à l’organisation d’intégrer des points de vue divers et le travail d’équipe à la prise de décisions critiques, afin de maintenir l’agilité de l’entreprise. Ce double cadre de leadership contribuera également à créer un environnement où le respect réciproque et la responsabilité partagée constituent la norme, et où l’autonomie individuelle est équilibrée par une vision collective.

D’après Jean-Yves Sireau, fondateur et co-PDG de Deriv : « Rakshit a l’étoffe du leader qui comprend parfaitement la vision de Deriv. Sa promotion au poste de co-PDG va donc de soi. C’est comme cette synergie que l’on observe dans la programmation en binôme, cela améliore la prise de décision et l’alignement des objectifs. »

« Le 25e anniversaire de Deriv marque un moment de réflexion. Renouveler notre modèle de leadership nous permet de passer à la phase supérieure de l’activité de Deriv, qui est axée sur une expansion mondiale et un engagement plus profond avec des marchés diversifiés. Cette double approche de leadership permet à Deriv de rester innovant et de s’engager en faveur d’un excellent service client et de partenariats solides. »

Choudhary, qui est titulaire d’une maîtrise obtenue au Georgia Institute of Technology, a occupé depuis 2009 les postes de spécialiste de l’analyse quantitative, puis responsable du développement quantitatif et de la recherche à Deriv. Il a ensuite occupé le poste de responsable du développement de produits avant d’être promu directeur des opérations en 2018.

Rakshit Choudhary fait part de ses impressions : « Participer directement, ces 14 dernières années, à la croissance et à l’évolution incroyables de Deriv, qui est resté fidèle à sa mission consistant à rendre le trading accessible à tous et partout, fut un privilège inédit pour moi. Au cœur de cette mission se trouve la volonté de rester innovant, sûr et accessible. C’est avec plaisir que continuerai à développer les activités de Deriv à l’échelle mondiale aux côtés de Jean-Yves, afin d’accompagner l’entreprise au cours de ses 25 prochaines années de succès. »

Deriv est également passée à un modèle de co-directrice financière, Jennice Lourdsamy, précédemment responsable des comptes et des paiements, assumant un double rôle de leadership en tant que co-directrice financière aux côtés de Louise Wolf, l’actuelle directrice financière. Le co-leadership ne se limite pas aux postes de direction. Chez Deriv, elle s’étend à tous les niveaux de l’entreprise et cadre avec ses valeurs que sont l’intégrité, la compétence, l’orientation client et l’esprit d’équipe.

Deriv reste fidèle à ses principes d’excellence en matière de leadership, marqués par une vision claire, des approches axées sur les résultats, un apprentissage continu et une propension à l’action. Ces principes alimentent les opérations quotidiennes et sont essentiels à la réalisation de la mission de Deriv : rendre les solutions de trading de pointe accessibles dans le monde entier.

À propos de Deriv

Depuis 25 ans, Deriv s’attèle à rendre le trading en ligne accessible à tous et partout. Constituée aujourd’hui d’un réseau comptant plus de 2,5 millions de traders dans le monde, la société fournit une riche gamme de types de contrat. En outre, elle propose fièrement plus de 200 actifs sur des marchés populaires à partir de ses plateformes de trading primées et intuitives. Deriv a su développer une culture au sein de ses bureaux, comptant plus de 1 300 employés répartis dans le monde, qui célèbre les réalisations, encourage la croissance professionnelle et favorise le développement des talents, ce qui justifie son accréditation Platinum délivrée par Investors in People.


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Deriv promotes Rakshit Choudhary from COO to co-CEO

Rakshit Choudhary promoted to co-CEO

Deriv promotes Rakshit Choudhary from COO to co-CEO

  • Rakshit Choudhary promoted to co-CEO, partnering with Founder and CEO Jean-Yves Sireau
  • Deriv refreshes its leadership model as it gets set to celebrate its 25th anniversary

    Rakshit Choudhary, co-CEO of Deriv

Rakshit Choudhary, co-CEO of Deriv

CYBERJAYA, Malaysia, April 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a significant move for the online trading company, as it approaches its 25th anniversary, Deriv has announced the promotion of Rakshit Choudhary from Chief Operating Officer (COO) to co-Chief Executive Officer (co-CEO). The co-CEO model will capitalise on the different strengths and diverse perspectives of both leaders.

Choosing the co-model is not just a strategic move for Deriv. It lets the organisation incorporate diverse viewpoints and teamwork into critical decision-making to keep the business agile. This double leadership framework also creates an environment where reciprocal respect and shared accountability are standard practices and balances individual autonomy with a collective vision.

Jean-Yves Sireau, Founder and co-CEO of Deriv, said: “Rakshit is a great leader with a deep understanding of Deriv’s business, so his move to co-CEO is a natural step forward for us. It is like the synergy you see in pair programming—improved decision-making and better alignment of goals.

“Deriv turning 25 is a moment for reflection. Refreshing our leadership model makes us well-positioned to take on the next phase of Deriv’s business, which is focused on expanding globally and engaging more deeply with diverse markets. This dual leadership approach helps keep Deriv innovative and committed to excellent customer service and strong partnerships.”

Choudhary, who holds a Master’s degree from Georgia Institute of Technology, joined Deriv in 2009 as a Quantitative Analyst and then Head of Quantitative Development & Research. His next role at Deriv was Head of Product Development before his promotion to COO in 2018.

Rakshit Choudhary shared his thoughts on his new role: “I have been lucky to be part of Deriv’s incredible growth and evolution for the last 14 years, witnessing firsthand its mission to make trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. At the centre of this is a focus on staying innovative, secure, and accessible. I look forward to continuing to grow Deriv’s business globally alongside Jean-Yves, as we take the company into another successful 25 years.”

Deriv has also transitioned to a co-CFO model with Jennice Lourdsamy, previously Head of Accounts and Payments taking a double leadership role as co-CFO alongside Louise Wolf, the current CFO. The co-leadership mindset does not end at the C-level. It is practised across Deriv at all levels, in line with the company’s values of integrity, competence, customer focus, and teamwork.

Deriv remains committed to its principles of leadership excellence, marked by clear vision, result-oriented approaches, continuous learning, and a bias for action. These principles are embedded in daily operations and are critical to achieving Deriv’s mission of making advanced trading solutions accessible worldwide.

About Deriv

For 25 years, Deriv has been committed to making online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Trusted by over 2.5 million traders worldwide, the company offers an expansive range of trade types and boasts over 200 assets across popular markets on its award-winning, intuitive trading platforms. With a workforce of more than 1,400 people globally, Deriv has cultivated an environment that celebrates achievements, encourages professional growth, and fosters talent development, which is reflected in its Platinum accreditation by Investors in People.


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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9106564

A Deriv promove Rakshit Choudhary de COO para co-CEO

Rakshit Choudhary foi promovido a co-CEO da Deriv

A Deriv promove Rakshit Choudhary de COO para co-CEO

  • Rakshit Choudhary foi promovido a co-CEO, juntando-se ao fundador e CEO Jean-Yves Sireau
  • A Deriv atualiza o seu modelo de liderança enquanto se prepara para celebrar o 25º aniversário

Rakshit Choudhary, co-CEO of Deriv

Rakshit Choudhary, co-CEO da Deriv

CYBERJAYA, Malaysia, April 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Num passo significativo para a empresa de negociação online, prestes a celebrar o seu 25º aniversário, a Deriv anunciou que Rakshit Choudhary foi promovido de Diretor de Operações (COO) a Co-Diretor Executivo (co-CEO). O modelo de co-CEO irá capitalizar sobre as diferentes qualidades e perspetivas diversificadas de ambos os líderes.

A adoção deste modelo de colaboração não se resume apenas a um movimento estratégico para a Deriv. Permite à organização incorporar diversos pontos de vista e trabalho de equipa na tomada de decisões críticas para manter a agilidade do negócio. Esta estrutura de liderança dupla também estabelece um ambiente onde o respeito mútuo e a partilha de responsabilidades são práticas habituais que equilibram a autonomia individual com uma visão coletiva.

Jean-Yves Sireau, Fundador e co-CEO da Deriv, declarou: “Rakshit é um líder excecional que possui um vasto conhecimento sobre as operações da Deriv, portanto, a sua nomeação como co-CEO é um passo natural para nós. É semelhante à sinergia observada quando dois programadores colaboram lado a lado num único computador — resultando numa tomada de decisões mais eficaz e num melhor alinhamento de objetivos.”

“O facto de a Deriv comemorar 25 anos é um momento de reflexão. Ao atualizarmos o nosso modelo de liderança, colocamo-nos numa posição vantajosa para enfrentar a próxima fase do negócio da Deriv, que se concentra na expansão global e numa maior interação com diversos mercados. Esta estratégia de liderança colaborativa contribui para manter a Deriv inovadora e comprometida em oferecer um serviço ao cliente excelente e em estabelecer parcerias sólidas.”

Choudhary concluiu o seu mestrado no Georgia Institute of Technology e ingressou na Deriv em 2009 como Analista Quantitativo. Mais tarde, assumiu o papel de Responsável pelo Desenvolvimento Quantitativo e de Investigação. Avançou na empresa para liderar o Desenvolvimento de Produtos antes de ser promovido a COO em 2018.

Rakshit Choudhary partilhou as suas reflexões sobre o seu novo cargo: “Tive a sorte de fazer parte do incrível crescimento e evolução da Deriv nos últimos 14 anos, sendo testemunha direta da sua missão em tornar a negociação acessível a qualquer pessoa, em qualquer lugar. No centro disso está o compromisso contínuo para com a inovação, segurança e acessibilidade. Estou entusiasmado por contribuir para a expansão global dos negócios da Deriv, ao lado de Jean-Yves, enquanto levamos a empresa para outros 25 anos de sucesso.”

A Deriv também adotou o modelo de co-CFO, no qual Jennice Lourdsamy, anteriormente Responsável pelas Contas e Pagamentos, assumiu uma posição de liderança conjunta como co-CFO, ao lado de Louise Wolf, a atual CFO. A mentalidade de co-liderança não termina nos cargos executivos. É praticada em todos os níveis da empresa, em conformidade com os valores fundamentais da empresa de integridade, competência, orientação para o cliente e trabalho de equipa.

A Deriv mantém-se fiel aos seus princípios de liderança de excelência, caracterizados por uma visão clara, abordagens orientadas para resultados, aprendizagem contínua e uma inclinação para a ação. Estes princípios são integrados nas atividades diárias, sendo fundamentais para alcançar a missão da Deriv de tornar as soluções avançadas de negociação acessíveis em todo o mundo.

Sobre a Deriv

Ao longo de 25 anos, a Deriv manteve um compromisso firme de tornar a negociação online acessível a qualquer pessoa, em qualquer lugar. Com a confiança de mais de 2,5 milhões de traders em todo o mundo, a empresa oferece uma ampla variedade de tipos de negociação e disponibiliza mais de 200 ativos em mercados populares nas suas plataformas de negociação premiadas e intuitivas. Com uma força de trabalho de mais de 1.300 pessoas em todo o mundo, a Deriv tem cultivado um ambiente que celebra conquistas, incentiva o crescimento profissional e promove o desenvolvimento de talentos, o que é refletido na sua acreditação Platinum pela Investors in People.


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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9106564

Katjavivi leads 50th anniversary of Carnation Revolution commemoration

WINDHOEK: Speaker of the National Assembly and Chancellor of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), Peter Katjavivi on Thursday honoured the Carnation Revolution, reflecting on its significance in Namibia's fight for freedom during the liberation struggle. Katjavivi underscored the event's enduring impact on global movements for democracy and independence at its 50th anniversary held in Windhoek at the University of Namibia's main campus. 'Because the events of this Portuguese coup sparked hope throughout southern Africa and accelerated the process toward liberation by providing us with support from our then newly independent brothers and sisters, the Carnation Revolution serves as a reminder to Namibians that the fight for freedom and justice transcends all borders,' said Katjavivi. The Carnation Revolution, also referred to as the 25th April Revolution, was a nonviolent coup that occurred in Portugal on 25 April 1974. It resulted in an incredible show of unity throughout the country as young military officers and civilians joined forces. This event not only freed Portugal from dictatorship but also paved the way for significant political, social, and economic reforms that would eventually lead to democracy and the independence of its African colonies. 'The legacy of the revolution shows us a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of collective action, and those are the lessons that we drew from what transpired that served us and strengthened our resolve to continue fighting to gain our independence from the colonial occupation of South Africa,' Katjavivi observed. Source: Namibia Press Agency

Omusati police detains nine foreign national in a suspected human trafficking case

The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) in the Omusati region in a suspected case of human trafficking detained nine Ethiopian nationals on Thursday evening after they entered Namibia illegally from Angola. Omusati Regional Commander Commissioner Ismael Basson in a crime update, informed the media on Friday that the group was apprehended during a police patrol conducted by the Okapalelona sub-station while they were crossing the border between Omufituweelo and Okatanyange villages at around 22h50. According to Basson, the group consisting of four males and five females were transported across the border by a white Toyota pickup truck with an Outapi registration. The vehicle was confiscated and its 42-year-old Namibian driver was also arrested. 'The case has all the hallmarks of human trafficking and the Namibian suspect's name is withheld until his court appearance,' he said. The nine Ethiopian are listed as Adise Siyum Laloto (23), Abayinesh Abebe Leleto (32), Lopiso Eliyas Shanko (26), Marta Lopso Boloso (3 3), Genet Ashore Megabo (30), Gideon Yessama Manedo (22), Almaz Sied Araro (27), Wogayehu Mesfin Birhanu (23), and Balakata Eiso who was found with no identification documents. Police investigations continue. Source: Namibia Press Agency