Cabinet meeting approves social bill and draft decrees


A Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani approved a draft law and three draft social decrees at the Kasbah Palace on Saturday. According to a statement from the Prime Ministry, the meeting approved a draft law amending Law No. 2003-69 of 20 October 2003 on summer holiday and recreation centres for children. The meeting also approved a decree amending and supplementing Decree No. 2001-318 of January 23, 2001 on the childcare allowance and the conditions for its allocation, setting the rates of this allowance for medical and para-medical university hospital staff, hospital and health care staff and doctors working in public hospitals and health care structures under the Ministry of Health, as well as medical, pharmacy and dental medicine residents. The Cabinet approved Decree No. 2005-3088 establishing the conditions for receiving material assistance for needy persons with disabilities and the procedures for their placement in foster families, as well as the procedures for receiving financi al assistance for the foster family of a disabled person without assistance. The Cabinet approved a draft decree establishing a social and educational centre for the reception and integration of people with disabilities in Sfax and regulating its administrative and financial organisation and operating procedures. At the opening of the meeting, the Prime Minister stressed the spirit of initiative and effective collective work within the government team. He recalled that during his recent visit to the Kasbah Palace, the President of the Republic stressed the need to intensify work and redouble efforts in various public structures and institutions for the benefit of Tunisia, particularly in the economic and social fields, according to the statement. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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