December 2023 is 5th rainiest December since 1950 (INM)


With an excess rainfall balance exceeding 80%, December 2023 is considered the 5th rainiest December since 1950, said the National Institute of Meteorology (INM) in its latest weather bulletin. The total balance for the month was 2084.4 mm, while the normal for the same stations was 1132.4 mm, which represents 184.1% of the normal for the month. During this month, the general average temperature reached 13.8°C and it was higher than the reference average (12.5°C) with a difference of +1.3°C, which classifies it as the sixth warmest month since 1950. According to the INM, the month of December 2023 was often marked by unstable weather. Disruptions followed one another, more frequently than usual, particularly in the northern regions and the eastern coast. These disturbances generated heavy, temporarily stormy and locally intense rains which were accompanied by strong gusts of wind. Most regions experienced varying amounts of precipitation, and excess rainfall was locally significant, particularly in the e astern, central and southern regions. In the North, the surplus rate varied from 3% in Tunis Carthage to 87% in Siliana. In the center, the percentage of excess precipitation was high, particularly in the Sahel and it varied from 27% in Kasserine to 477% in Monastir. In the South, the percentage of excess rainfall was high in the Eastern regions and it varied from 83% in Djerba to 176% in Médenine and reached 558% in El Borma. As for the South-West, despite the precipitation, the monthly accumulation was lower than the reference accumulation and the percentage drop varied from 2% in Gafsa and 8% in Kébili to 82% in Tozeur. The rains were very heavy, especially in the northern regions and the eastern coast. The wettest regions are Monastir with a cumulative 236.6 mm, Mahdia 234.2 mm, Tabarka 157.6 mm and Béja 137.8 mm. On a daily scale, the Tataouine station recorded a new record of 32.8 mm on December 19, 2023 and on a monthly scale, the Borma station recorded a monthly record of 32 mm. Source: Agence Tu nis Afrique Presse

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