Seasonal flu virus likely to spread by end of October due to climate change (Ryadh Daghfous)


The seasonal flu virus could spread in Tunisia by the end of October due to climate change, director general of the National Centre for Pharmacovigilance, chairman of the vaccination committee and member of the scientific committee to combat coronavirus, Ryadh Daghfous, said on Monday. He recalled in a statement to TAP that the Health Ministry had announced the launch of the vaccination campaign against seasonal flu and COVID-19 as of October 17, in order to prevent any possible complications following infection by the flu virus. The onset of winter will be characterised by the outbreak of the coronavirus and seasonal flu, Daghfous pointed out, indicating a resurgence in recent days of the COVID-19 virus, is expected to persist throughout the winter. At the same time, Daghfous drew attention to the low number of people being vaccinated against the coronavirus, or even a total absence, according to his estimates. He underlined the importance of vaccinating against seasonal flu and COVID-19, notably for the older persons and those suffering from chronic diseases, as well as for children with weak immune systems, given the danger of infection by this virus if they are not vaccinated.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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