2024 Census foresees to cover 34 million inhabitants


Angola’s National Statistics Institute (INE) has predicted to register 34 million people across the country during the population and housing census set for 2024, the body's deputy director general Hernany Luís said Thursday in Luanda.

The official also announced plan for a pilot registration on 19 July this year, which will cover seven provinces, including Luanda, Uige, Bengo, Lunda-Norte, Bié, Cunene and Cuando Cubango.

For this first phase, the process consists of assessing the capacities of the INE to conduct the effective operation from July 19, 2024.

The official announced that a process of integration (by online) of staff, cartographers and drivers in the structure of the institute is currently underway, in order to ensure the success of the 2024 Census.

Angola’s first General Population and Housing Census conducted from 16 to 31 May, 2014 registered an estimated 25.7 million people, of whom 6.9 million live in Luanda.

Of this number, 12.4 million are men and 13.2 million women, with Luanda, Benguela, Huambo, Huíla, Kwanza Sul, Uíge and Bié being the most populated provinces of Angola.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

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